Active Autowerke Sticker Pack


$ 9.95

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Active Autowerke Sticker Pack...Come Play With Power! FREE SHIPPING!

Now you can have your BMW dressed out in the Active Autowerke colors of BLUE, GREEN and SILVER.

The Sticker Pack provides just the right touch to complement your BMW. With a variety of sticker designs and shapes, you also have a selection between the BOOST BLUE, KAWA GREEN, SILVER BULLET colors.

A placement card is also provided as recommendations for sticker placements.

Each Sticker Pack includes:

  • 2 Active Autowerke LOGO stickers in specific color choice
  • 2 Active Autowerke stickers in specific color choice
  • 1 Active Autowerke sticker placement cardu00a0

Simple and easy to do, it also comes to you with FREE SHIPPING.