BMW E82 1M Software Tune by BMW tuner, Active Autowerke

Active Autowerke

$ 549.00

Available Now!

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***Before your order ships you MUST sign and return the Off Road Use Only Waiver available HERE. Please email, fax or take a photo of the completed form. You can email it to your sales rep or to and you can fax it to us at (305) 253-8921***

Active Autowerke's Performance Software opens up your Twin Turbo's full potential bringing your BMW 1M to new levels of performance while still maintaining that everyday reliability you have grown to love.

The BMW N54 twin turbo's true potential has been hindered, but through careful remapping to the DME tables our engineers here at Active Autowerke have re-engineered the ECU/Engine combination to work in unison to produce an increase of approximately 65 RWHP and 70 ft lbs of torque for the BWM 1M. u00a0

More BMW power is also available for the BMW 1M such as exhaust downpipes/no cats. For any enthusiast looking to maximize their ability to perform at the next level on an everyday basis this upgrade is a must.

Key Features:

-Available for 91 - 93 octane
-65+ RWH and 70 + FT/LBS Torque
-Ability to tune all DME's
-Available for international rated octane
-Off Road modifications available for cars without cats
-No need for piggy back use

Software Purchase Options:

When you purchase software you have 3 options to acquire it:

1) Locate an Active Autowerke Flash station equipped dealer near you and have it installed there. Click here for Dealer List.

2) Purchase a Simon4 from Active Autowerke and install the software yourself. Very useful if additional software upgrades are needed in the future. WARNING - when flashing your ECU, it is important that you connect a battery charger to your car in order to provide a stable voltage source regardless of your battery condition and you must remove any sleep options on your laptop.

3)Remove and mail Active Autowerke your ECU and we will install the software.